
Do you identify as gay, queer or non-gender conforming?
Are you finding it difficult or painful to share this with friends or family who might not be as accepting as you’d like them to be?
Are you out, but still finding your sense of place and identity within the queer community?
Do you struggle with internalized homophobia?
Do you need support coping with an HIV+ diagnosis?
Are you in a non-monogamous relationship, or involved in the kink community?
Despite advancements in LGBTQ rights in recent years, stigma still remains, particularly outside of our progressive bubble of New York City. Even those who have shared their sexual and/or gender orientation with an “accepting” family may feel a lingering sense of alienation or shame, especially when family members convey a “don’t ask/don’t tell” attitude, or one that relies on outdated stereotypes or tropes of queerness.

In therapy, I work collaboratively with you in an open, accepting environment to:
Figure out when coming out feels right to you.
Understand what being queer means to you. For some, this may be a political and personal calling, while others are focused on generating or increasing self-acceptance.
Generate healthy dialogue with family members about your sexuality, so that it doesn’t become “the elephant in the room.”
Navigate open/non-monogamous relationships, improving communication with partner(s).
Help you cope with an HIV diagnosis, including the decision about whether/when to disclose this to important people in your life.